Klamath Twined Tule Visor

by Norm Kidder



This simple sun visor is based on an example attributed to the Klamath Indians of Northern California. It can be made from green tule reeds (also called bulrushes) for temporary use or with dried and re-soaked tule for long term use. The twining can be done with either split tule or cattail leaf. If doing a quick version in the field, try to find cattail or tule that has been naturally cut and dried to at least a yellow color as it will be more pliable.

Begin twining at least 8 inches from the ends of the tules. Twining begins by twisting up a split, soaked tule, then bending it around the first tule ribs (not in the center). After a half twist, add in the next rib and so on until about 3 inches have been incorporated. This twining should be done so as to angle through the ribs as shown. You know the twining is correct if the two twiners alternate into the up position, and also twist around each other. This project may work even if you do it wrong.

Wrap the twined tule band around your head so that it forms a bill with the beginning of the twining on one side and the end of the zig-zag on the other. Holding it together at this point, twine all the way across both halves of the bill. Recheck the fit, adjusting as necessary and then twine more rows until the bill has been completed. Finish with a tight double row and tie off the ends. Now wear it proudly.


Tule visor made by Dino Labiste.



This article was first published in The Bulletin of Primitive Technology (Spring 2000, #19)
E-mail your comments to "Norm Kidder " at atlatl1@aol.com

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